- 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally
- Aero Fighters
- Airwolf
- Ambush
- Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh
- Asterix
- Bank Panic
- Block Block
- Blood Bros.
- Bloxeed
- Bomber Man World
- Cadash
- Carrier Air Wing
- Champion Wrestler
- Columns
- Cool Boarders Arcade Jam
- Crime Fighters
- Cruis'n USA
- Double Axle
- Double Dribble
- Eagle Shot Golf
- Empire City: 1931
- F-1 Grand Prix
- Fighters History
- Fighting Hawk
- Fighting Soccer
- Final Lap R
- Galaga
- Gals Panic
- Gals Panic 2
- Golfing Greats 2
- Guerrilla War
- Heavy Unit
- Hyper Athlete
- Ikari III - The Rescue
- King of Boxer
- Klax
- Lady Bug
- Lethal Enforcers
- Lethal Enforcers II
- Liquid Kids
- Master of Weapon
- Mega Blast
- Mercs
- Mutant Fighter
- Puzznic
- Radikal Bikers
- Riot City
- Robocop
- Robocop 2
- Soul Edge
- Spectrum 2000
- Spinal Breakers
- Steel Gunner
- Street Fighter EX 2
- Street Fighter EX 2 Plus
- Street Smart
- Strike Force
- Strikers 1945
- Super Formula
- Super Volley '91
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Tech Romancer
- Terminator 2
- The Berlin Wall
- Time Killers
- Thunder Fox
- Toki
- Turbo Force
- Twin Eagle II
- U.S. Classic
- UFO Catcher
- Ultra X Weapons
- Ultraman
- World Rally
- World Rally 2: Twin Racing
- Zoar