PLD Dumping Method Legend:
- Unlocked - The device was not secured and fusemap was read out in a programmer. These are usually untested but assumed working
- Converted - The device was unlocked as the fusemap converted to a GAL device. Where possible both versions are included in a ZIP file
- Bruteforced - The device was recreated by bruteforcing where all possible input states are asserted and all output states are logged
- Recreated - The device was recreated by studying its operation, schematic, etc and manually creating a file
- Handcrafted - File was made based on memory map or using a specific tool eg. cps1pal software
- Undumped - The device was found on the PCB for was not dumped or recreated
- Cracked - The device was sent to one of the many Chinese cracking services
- Glitched - Some GAL devices can be power glitched to allow the fusemap to be read out
- 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally
- 1 on 1 Government
- 1941: Counter Attack
- 1942
- 1943
- 19XX
- 3-D Thunder Ceptor II
- 4nin-uchi Mahjong Jantotsu
- 99: The Last War
- A.S.O (Armoured Scrum Object)
- Aaargh! (Arcadia)
- AB Cop
- Actfancer
- Action Fighter
- Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2
- Aero Fighters
- After Burner
- After Burner Deluxe Motion PCB
- After Burner II
- Ah Eikou no Koshien
- Air Buster: Trouble Speciality Raid Unit
- Air Duel
- Air Gallet
- Air Hockey (Arcadia)
- Air Rescue
- Airwolf
- Ajax
- Alien 3: The Gun
- Alien Storm
- Alien Storm (bootleg)
- Alien Syndrome (bootleg)
- Alien vs Predator
- Aliens
- All American Football
- Alpha Mission
- Altered Beast
- Altered Beast (bootleg)
- Ambush
- American Laser Game Coyote Board
- Apache 3
- Aquarium
- Aqua Jack
- Aqua Stage
- Arabian Fight
- Arabian Magic
- Arch Rivals
- Area 88
- Arkanoid
- Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh
- Arkanoid (bootlegs)
- Arkanoid Returns
- Armed Police Batrider
- Ashura Blaster
- Assault
- Asterix
- Asteroids
- Asteroids Deluxe
- Astro Wars
- Asuka & Asuka
- Asura Blade
- Asura Buster
- Ataxx
- Athena
- Badlands
- Badlands (bootleg)
- Bagman
- Bandit
- Bang!
- Bank Panic
- Bare Knuckle (bootleg)
- Bare Knuckle II (bootleg)
- Bare Knuckle III (bootleg)
- Batman
- Batman Forever (SEGA ST-V)
- Batsugun
- Battle Arena Toshinden 2
- Battle Bakraid
- Battle Chopper
- Battle Garegga
- Battle Garegga (bootleg)
- Battle K-Road
- Battletoads
- Bay Route
- Bay Route (bootleg)
- Beast Busters
- Beastie Feastie (Pac-Man conversion)
- Beat The Champ
- Beauty Block
- Bells & Whistles
- Big Fight - Big Trouble in the Atlantic Ocean
- Big Karnak
- Bikkuri Pro Wrestling
- Bin Bin Bingo
- Biomechanical Toy
- Birdie King 2
- Birdie Try
- Black Dragon
- Black Tiger
- Black Tiger (bootlegs)
- Blade Master
- Blades of Steel
- Blandia
- Blasted
- Blaze On
- Blicks
- Block Hole
- Block Block
- Blood Bros.
- Bloody Roar
- Bloxeed
- Bloxeed (bootleg)
- Blue Hawk
- Bobble Bobble (bootlegs)
- Bomb Jack
- Bomb Jack (bootleg)
- Bomber Man
- Bomber Man World
- Bonze Adventure
- Booby Kids (bootleg)
- Boot Camp
- Born to Fight
- Bosconian
- Bottom of the Ninth
- Boulder Dash
- Brain
- Break Thru
- Brick Blast (bootleg)
- Bu Bu Car
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Bobble (prototype)
- Bubble Bobble 2 (prototype)
- Bubble Symphony
- Bucky O'Hare
- Burnin' Rubber
- Burning Rival
- Buster Bros
- Cabal
- Cabal (bootleg)
- Cachat
- Cadash
- Cadillacs & Dinosaurs
- Cadillacs & Dinosaurs (bootlegs)
- Cameltry
- Cannon Dancer
- Captain America and the Avengers
- Captain Commando
- Captain Commando (bootleg)
- Car Action (bootleg)
- Caribbean Boule
- Carrier Air Wing
- Carrier Air Wing (bootleg)
- Castle of Dracula
- Caveman Ninja
- Cellage
- Century Video System
- Chain Reaction
- Champion Wrestler
- Chance-Kun
- Charlie Ninja
- Chase HQ
- Chequered Flag
- Chiki Chiki Boys
- China Gate
- Choplifter
- Choplifter (bootleg)
- Chopper I
- Chopper I (bootleg)
- Chuka Taisen
- Circus Charlie
- City Bomber
- City Connection (bootlegs)
- Clutch Hitter
- Cobra Command
- Columns
- Combat School
- Commando
- Commando (bootleg)
- Continental Circus
- Contra
- Contra (bootleg)
- Cookie & Bibi 2
- Cool Boarders Arcade Jam
- Cool Minigame Collection
- Cosmic Cop
- Cosmo Gang The Puzzle
- Counter Steer
- Crazy Bugs
- Crazy Kong (bootlegs)
- Crime City
- Crime Fighters
- Cross Blades!
- Crude Buster
- Cruis'n USA
- Crystal Castles
- Cyberball (prototype)
- Cyberball 2072
- Cyber Sled
- Cycle Warriors
- D.D Crew
- D.D Crew (bootleg)
- Daiku no Gensan
- Daimakaimura
- Daioh
- Daioh (prototype)
- Dakkochan House
- Dancing Eyes
- Dangerous Curves
- Darius
- Darius II
- Dark Adventure
- Dark Seal
- Dark Seal 2
- Darwin 4078
- Darwin 4078 (bootleg)
- Dash Yarou
- Dead Connection
- Dead or Alive++
- Defence Command (bootleg)
- Denjin Makai II
- Desert Assault
- Desert Breaker
- Detana! Twin Bee
- Devastators
- Devil World
- Dig Dug
- Dino Rex
- DJ Boy
- DoDonPachi
- DoDonPachi Dai Ou Jou
- Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu
- DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm
- Don Doko Don
- DonPachi
- Donkey Kong Jr.
- Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg)
- Doraemon: Dokodemo Door
- Dottori-Kun
- Double Axle
- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon (bootleg)
- Double Dragon II (bootleg)
- Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone
- Double Dribble
- Double Wings
- Dr. Toppel Tankentai
- Dragon Ball Z 2 (bootleg)
- Dragon Ball Z V.R.V.S
- Dragon Bowl
- Dragon Breed
- Dragon Buster
- Dragon Ninja (bootleg)
- Dragon Punch
- Dragon Saber
- Dragon Spirit
- Dragon World
- Dream Soccer '94
- Drift Out
- Dump Matsumoto
- Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
- Dungeon Magic
- Dunk Mania
- Dyna Gears
- Dynablaster
- Dynamite Duke
- Dynamite Dux (bootleg)
- Dynasty Wars
- Dynasty Wars 2 (bootleg)
- E-Swat
- Eagle Shot Golf
- Earth Joker
- Eeekk!
- Eeekk! (Pac-Man conversion)
- Elevator Action
- Empire City: 1931
- Empire City: 1931 (bootleg)
- Enduro Racer
- Enduro Racer (bootleg)
- Enforce
- ESP Ra.De
- Espgaluda
- Exciting Hour
- Exed Exes
- Explosive Breaker
- Express Raider
- F-1 Grand Prix
- F1 Exhaust Note
- F1 Super Lap
- F1 Super Battle
- Fantasia
- Fantasy Land
- Fantasy Story
- Fantasy Zone
- Fighters History
- Fighters Impact
- Fighting Fantasy
- Fighting Hawk
- Fighting Soccer
- Final Blow
- Final Crash (Final Fight bootlegs)
- Final Fight
- Final Lap R
- Final Lap 2
- Final Round
- Final Star Force
- Fire Barrel
- Fishing Master
- FixEight
- Flashgal
- Flicky
- Flying Shark
- Food Fight
- Football Champ
- Forgotten Worlds
- Four Trax
- Frogger
- Frogger (bootleg)
- Fruit Star Bonus
- Fun World
- Fun World Mega Card MC3
- Funky Jet
- Fuusen Pentai
- G-Darius
- Gaia Crusaders
- Gaiapolis
- Galactic Storm
- Galaga
- Galaga 88
- Galaxy Force II
- Galaxy Games
- Gallop
- Gallop Racer 2
- Gallop Racer 3
- Galmedes
- Gals Panic
- Gals Panic 2
- Gals Panic 3
- Gals Panic 4 (Kaneko Supernova)
- Gamushara Battle! Puchi Monster
- Ganbare! Gonta!! 2
- Ganbare! Marine Kun
- Gang Busters
- Gaplus
- Gate of Doom
- Geostorm
- Ghosts'n Goblins
- Ghouls'n Ghosts
- Ghouls'n Ghosts (bootleg)
- Ghox
- Gladiator
- Glass
- Goal! '92 (bootleg)
- Gokidetor
- Golden Axe
- Golden Axe (bootleg)
- Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder
- Golden Tee
- Golden Tee 2
- Golden Tee 3D Golf
- Golden Tee Supreme
- Golfing Greats
- Golfing Greats 2
- Gondomania
- Gourmet Battle Quiz Ryohrioh CooKing
- Go for the Gold
- GP Rider
- Gradius 2
- Gradius 3
- Grand Prix Star
- Grand Striker 2
- Green Beret (bootleg)
- Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer
- Growl
- Growl (prototype)
- G-Stream G2020
- Gryzor
- Guardian Storm
- Guardians
- Guardians of the Hood
- Guardians of the Hood (bootleg)
- Guerrilla War
- Gun Barl
- Gun Force
- Gun Force II
- Gun Frontier
- Gun Hohki
- Gun.Smoke
- Gunbird
- Gunbird 2
- Gunbuster
- Gundam EX Revue
- Gundhara
- Gunlock
- Guttang Guttong (bootleg)
- Guwange
- Gynotai
- Gyruss (bootleg)
- Hacha Mecha Fighter
- Hamburger House
- Hamburger House (bootleg)
- Hammer Away
- Hammerin' Harry
- Hammerin' Harry (bootleg)
- Hang On
- Hard Drivin
- Hard Head (bootleg)
- Hard Times
- Hat Trick Hero
- Hat Trick Hero '93
- Hatris
- Haunted Castle
- Heated Barrel
- Heavy Smash
- Heavy Unit
- Hellfire
- High Impact Football
- Hippodrome
- Hit the Ice
- Honoo no Invader
- Hook
- Hook (bootleg)
- Hot Pinball
- Hot Shots Tennis (bootleg)
- Hotdog Storm
- House Ball
- Hydra
- Hyper Athlete
- Hyper Duel
- J.J. Squawkers
- J.J. Squawkers (bootleg)
- Jackal
- Jackal (bootleg)
- Jackie Chan
- Jail Break (bootleg)
- Jaleco Mega32 motherboard
- Joe & Mac Returns
- John Elway's Team Quarterback
- Jolly Card
- Jolly Joker
- Jong Shin
- Jr. Pac-Man
- Jumping
- Jumping Break
- Jumping Jack
- Juno First
- Juno First (bootleg)
- Kageki
- Kaneko Super Nova
- Kangaroo
- Karate Blazers
- Karnov
- Kattobase Power Pro Kun
- Ken-Go (M84)
- Ken Sei Mogura
- Kick and Run
- Kicker
- Kicker (bootleg)
- Kid Niki
- Kiki Kaikai
- Kiki Kaikai (bootleg)
- Killer Instinct
- King of Boxer
- King of Dragons
- King of Dragons (bootleg)
- Kisekae Mahjong
- Kitten Kaboodle
- Klax
- Knight of Valor Super Heroes (PGM cartridge)
- Knights of the Round
- Knights of the Round (bootleg)
- Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari
- Konami '88
- Konami's Open Golf Championship
- Konami GI Classic EX satellite board (GS468)
- Konami System 573
- Konami's Ping-Pong
- Kong Ball (prototype)
- Kosodate Quiz: My Angel
- Kosodate Quiz: My Angel 2
- Kosodate Quiz: My Angel 3
- Kung-Fu Master
- Kuri Kinton
- Labyrinth Runner
- Lady Bug
- Land Maker
- Laser Ghost
- Last Duel
- Last Fortress
- Last Mission
- Last Survivor
- Led Storm
- Legend of Hero Tonma
- Legend of Hero Tonma (bootleg)
- Legendary Wings
- Lemmings
- Lethal Crash Race
- Lethal Enforcers
- Lethal Enforcers II
- Lifeforce
- Line of Fire
- Light Bringer
- Lightning Fighters
- Liquid Kids
- Little Robin
- Locked 'n Loaded
- Logic Pro 2
- Lost Worlds
- Lup Lup Puzzle
- Macross II
- Macross Plus
- Mad Shark (bootleg)
- Mad Gear
- Mad Motor
- Magic Johnson's Fast Break (Arcadia)
- Magic Sword
- Magical Cat Adventure
- Magical Date
- Magical Drop
- Magical Pumpkin
- Magical Spot 2
- Magical Twinbee
- Mahjong 4 Shabon-Dama
- Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV
- Major Title
- Major Title 2
- Mappy
- Mario Bros. (bootleg)
- Martial Champion
- Marvel Vs Capcom (CPS2, Black All-in-one)
- Master of Weapon
- Match It
- Maximum Force
- Maygay MV1 Screenplay
- Mega Man: The Power Battle
- Mega Twins
- Mega Blast
- Mercs
- Metal Black
- Metamorphic Force
- Mexico 86 (bootleg)
- Midnight Landing
- Midnight Resistance
- Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2
- Minky Monkey
- Money Money
- Monster Maulers
- Monster Slider
- Moonwalker
- Mortal Kombat
- Mortal Kombat (bootlegs)
- Mortal Kombat II
- Mortal Kombat III
- Mortal Kombat 3 (bootleg)
- Moto Frenzy
- Mouser
- Mr Do!
- Mr Do! (bootleg)
- Mr Heli
- Ms Pac-Man
- Ms Pac-Man (bootleg)
- Multi Game III
- Mushihimesama
- Mutant Fighter
- My Hero
- Mystic Riders
- Mystic Warriors
- Namco System 2
- Namco System 10
- Namco System 11
- Namennnayo!
- Nastar
- NBA Hangtime
- NBA Jam
- NBA Jam Extreme (Sony ZN-1)
- Nebulas Ray
- Nemesis
- Nemo
- NeoGeo MV1A
- NeoGeo MV1C
- NeoGeo MV4F
- Neo Print Motherboard
- New Fantasia
- New Zero Team
- Nichibutsu High Rate DVD
- Night Slashers
- Night Striker
- Ninja Baseball Batman
- Ninja Emaki
- Ninja Emaki (bootleg)
- Ninja Kazan (bootleg)
- Ninja Kids
- Ninja Spirit
- Ninja Warriors
- Nitro Ball
- Nostradamus
- Nova 2001
- Operation Thunderbolt
- Operation Tiger
- Operation Wolf
- Operation Wolf 3
- Osman
- Out Run
- Out Zone
- Outrunners
- Over Drive
- P.O.W Prisoners of War
- Pac-Eight
- Pac-Land
- Pac-Man (bootleg)
- Pac-Mania
- Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2
- Palamedes
- Pang
- Pang (bootlegs)
- Pang 3
- Pang 3 (CPS1, bootleg)
- Pang Pom's
- Panic Shot Rockman
- Parodius Da!
- Party Time: Gonta the Diver II
- Pengo (bootleg)
- Phoenix
- Phoenix (bootleg)
- PGM Motherboard
- Phozon
- Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine!
- Pipe Dream
- Pirate Ship Higemaru
- Pit Fighter
- Pitfall 2
- Pitfall 2 (bootleg)
- Pitapat Puzzle
- Play Girls 2
- Playchoice-10
- Pleiades
- Plotting
- Pnickies
- Pocket Gal (bootleg)
- Pocket Racer
- Point Blank (Namco NB1)
- Point Blank 2
- Poker Ladies
- Pokonyan Balloon
- Pole Position
- Police Trainer
- Pollux
- Pontoon
- Poosho Poosho
- Pooyan
- Popeye
- Pop'n Pop
- Pound for Pound
- Power Balls
- Power Drift
- Power Instinct 2
- Power Spikes
- Power Spikes (bootleg)
- Prebillian
- Prebillian (bootleg)
- Prehistoric Isle (bootleg)
- Premiere Soccer
- Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
- Primal Rage
- Prime Goal EX
- Progear No Arashi
- Psychic Force
- Psychic Force 2012
- Psycho-Nics Oscar
- Psycho-Nics Oscar (bootleg)
- Psycho Soldier
- Puchi Carat
- Pulirula
- Punk Shot
- Pushman
- Puyo Puyo
- Puzz Loop (Kaneko Supernova)
- Puzz Loop (bootleg)
- Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (bootleg)
- Puzzle Bobble 2X
- Puzzle Bobble 4
- Puzzle Break
- Puzzle Uo Poko
- Puzznic
- Quantum
- Quartet
- Quartet 2
- Quick Pick 5
- Quiz and Dragons
- Quiz Crayon Shinchan
- Quiz Gakumon No Susume
- Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2 - Zenkoku-ban
- Quiz Torimonochou
- R-Shark
- R-Type
- R-Type (bootleg)
- R-Type II
- R-Type Leo
- Rabbit Punch
- Rabio Lepus
- Rabio Lepus (bootleg)
- Racin' Force
- Racing Hero
- Rad Rally
- Radical Enduro (prototype)
- Radikal Bikers
- Raiden
- Raiden Fighters Jet
- Raiden II
- Raiden II DX
- Raimais
- Rainbow Islands
- Rally Bike
- Rambo 3
- Rampage
- Rampart
- Rastan
- Rastan (bootleg)
- Ray Force
- Ray Storm
- Real Break Billiard Academy
- Reality Tennis
- Recordbreaker
- Red Zone
- Regulus
- Relief Pitcher
- Renda Fighter
- Revolution X
- Riding Fight
- Rim Rockin' Basketball
- Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II
- Ring Rage
- Riot City
- Risky Challenge
- Rival Schools
- Road Fighter
- Road Riot
- Robocop
- Robocop 2
- Roc'n Rope
- Rockman: The Power Battle
- Rohga Armor Force
- Rolling Thunder 2
- Rompers
- Ropeman (bootleg)
- Run and Gun
- Rygar
- Ryu Jin
- S.C.I Special Criminal Investigation
- Saigo no Nindou
- Saint Dragon
- Salamander
- Sand Scorpion
- Saturday Night Slam Masters
- Scramble
- Scramble (bootleg)
- Scramble Formation
- SD Gundam Psycho Salamander
- Sea Hunter (bootleg)
- Secret Agent
- SEGA Mega Play Motherboard
- SEGA Mega-Tech Motherboard
- SEGA Model 1/2/2A Drive Boards
- SEGA Model 2B/2C/3 Drive Boards
- SEGA Model 3 Drive Board
- SEGA System 1
- SEGA System 2
- SEGA System 24
- SEGA System 32
- SEGA System C
- SEGA System SP
- SEGA System Y
- SEGA Versus City Billboard
- Seibu Cup Soccer
- Seibu SPI Motherboard
- Seicross
- Sel Feena
- Sengoku Ace
- Sengoku Blade
- Senjou no Ookami II
- Shadow Dancer
- Shadow Dancer (Datsu bootleg)
- Sheriff
- Shinobi (bootlegs)
- Shinobi
- Shooting Master
- Shuuz
- Side Arms (bootleg)
- Side By Side
- Side Pocket
- Silent Dragon
- Silent Scope 2: Dark Silhouette
- Skull & Crossbones
- Sky Alert
- Sky Smasher
- Sky Wolf (bootleg)
- Slap Fight
- Slap Fight (bootleg)
- Slap Shot
- Slime Kun
- Slipstream
- Slotters Club Umimonogatari
- Sly Spy
- Smash TV
- Snow Bros
- Snow Bros 2 - With New Elves
- Solite Spirits
- Sonic Blast Man
- Sonic Blast Man - Janken Battle
- Sonic Blast Man II (bootleg)
- Sonic Wings Limited
- Soreike Kokorogy
- Sotsugyo Shousho
- Soul Edge
- Space Firebird
- Space Gun
- Space Harrier
- Space Harrier (bootleg)
- Space Invaders 95
- Space Invaders DX
- Space Invasion
- Space Pokan
- Spectral Vs Generation
- Spectrum 2000
- Speed Ball
- Spider-Man: The Videogame
- Spinal Breakers
- Spiral Falls
- Splash
- Splatter House
- Spy Hunter
- Squash
- Star Jacker
- Star Sweep
- Steel Force
- Steel Gunner
- Storm Blade
- Storming Party (bootleg)
- Stratovox
- Street Fighter
- Street Fighter: The Movie
- Street Fighter 2 (bootlegs)
- Street Fighter 2 Anniversary (CPS2, Black all-in-one)
- Street Fighter Alpha/Zero
- Street Fighter Alpha/Zero (CPS Changer)
- Street Fighter Alpha/Zero 2
- Street Fighter Alpha/Zero 3
- Street Fighter 2 World Warrior
- Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition
- Street Fighter EX 2
- Street Fighter EX 2 Plus
- Street Smart
- Strider
- Strike Force
- Strikers 1945
- Strikers 1999
- Sunset Riders
- Sunset Riders (bootleg)
- Superman
- Super Bagman
- Super Burger Time
- Super Chase
- Super Chick (bootleg)
- Super Contra
- Super Cup Finals
- Super Football Champ
- Super Formula
- Super Hang On
- Super Marukin-Ban
- Super Monaco GP
- Super Off Road
- Super Pac-Man
- Super Pang
- Super Pang (bootleg)
- Super Ranger
- Super Real Mahjong Part IV
- Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye
- Super Soccer
- Super Space Invaders '91
- Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo
- Super Volley '91
- Super X
- Super Yutnori
- Surprise Attack
- Survival Arts
- Syvalion (prototype)
- Taito F3 Motherboard
- Taito F3 Cartridges
- Taito System SJ
- Tank Force
- Tank Force (bootleg)
- Tatsujin Oh
- Tech Romancer
- Tecmo Knight
- Tecmo World Cup '94
- Teddy Boy Blues
- Teddy Boy Blues (bootleg)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Turtles in Time
- Tehkan World Cup (bootleg)
- Tekken
- Tekken 2
- Tenchi wo Kurau
- Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai
- Terminator 2
- Terra Cresta
- Terra Cresta (bootleg)
- Terra Force
- Terra Force (bootleg)
- Tetris
- Tetris (bootleg)
- Tetris Plus 2
- The Berlin Wall
- The Cliffhanger - Edward Randy
- The Combatribes
- The Destroyer from Jail
- The End
- The Glob
- The Karate Tournament
- The Legend of Kage
- The Legend of Silkroad
- The Main Event
- The New Zealand Story
- The Punisher
- The Punisher (bootlegs)
- The Simpsons
- Three Wonders
- Three Wonders (bootleg)
- Thunder & Lightning
- Thunder Blade
- Thunder Cross
- Thunder Dragon
- Thunder Dragon (bootleg)
- Thunder Force AC
- Thunder Force AC (bootleg)
- Thunder Fox
- Thunder Hoop
- Thunder Jaws
- Thunder Zone
- Tiger Heli (bootleg)
- Tiger Road
- Time Pilot
- Time Pilot '84
- Time Killers
- Tinker Bell
- Toki
- Toki (bootleg)
- Tokio (bootleg)
- Toobin
- Top Ranking Stars
- Total Carnage
- Touchdown Fever 2 (bootleg)
- Touchmaster 4000
- Touchmaster 5000
- Tough Turf
- Toukyuu Oukoku Gashaan
- Tournament Cyberball 2072
- Track & Field
- Trio the Punch - Never Forget Me
- Triple Fun (bootleg)
- Trog
- Trojan
- Truxton
- Truxton II
- Tsururin Kun
- Tube Panic
- Tumble Pop
- TumblePop (bootleg)
- Turbo
- Turbo Force
- Twin Eagle II
- Twinkle
- Twins
- Two Crude
- Typhoon
- U.N. Squadron
- U.S. Classic
- U.S. Navy
- UFO Catcher
- Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
- Ultra Balloon
- Ultra X Weapons
- Ultraman
- Under Fire
- Undercover Cops
- Up'n Down
- Van-Van Car
- Vapor Trail
- Varth: Operation Thunderstorm
- Varth (bootleg)
- Vasara
- Vendetta
- Victory Road
- Vigilante
- Vimana
- Violence Fight
- Violent Storm
- Violent Storm (bootleg)
- VJ Visual & Music Slap
- Volfied
- VS Mahjong Triangle
- Warrior Blade
- Warriors of Fate
- Warriors of Fate (bootleg)
- WEC Le Mans 24
- Wild Fang
- Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa
- Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa (bootleg)
- Willow
- Wizard Fire
- Wolf Fang
- Wonder Boy
- Wonder Boy (bootleg)
- Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair
- Wonder Boy 3 (bootleg)
- Wonder Boy in Monsterland
- Wonder Boy in Monsterland (bootleg)
- World Cup 90
- World Cup Volley 95
- World Grand Prix
- World PK Soccer
- World Rally
- World Rally 2: Twin Racing
- Wrestle War
- WWF Wrestlefest
- X-Men
- X-Men (bootleg)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom
- X-Multiply
- Xevios (bootleg)
- Xevious
- Xevious 3D/G
- Xexex